Coping with self-compassion in the time of Covid

We all have issues that produce stress in our lives.  They may include relationships, finances, work, or internal states such as anxiety and depression or our health.  Then there are more global issues like the Covid-19 pandemic or our nation’s political strife. ...

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Coping With Covid Stress

Covid-19 and the steps to mitigate it produce significant psychological stress but there are ways to skillfully respond.

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Unshakable Confidence Podcast

I had the opportunity to speak with Billy Atwell on his Unshakable Confidence podcast. I illustrated how being focused on the present moment frees you from ruminations about the past and catastrophizing about the future. Listen to the podcast here:...

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Greater Good Science Center Review

My book was recently reviewed by the Greater Good Science Center. Greater Good reports on groundbreaking research into the roots of compassion, happiness, and altruism. The review by Deborah Yip provides a very thoughtful commentary on my book, When Antidepressants...

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Get Up Nation Podcast

Mindfulness can be helpful in reducing stress. It allows you the freedom to make a skillful response rather than simply reacting to a stressor.

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Women in Depth Podcast Interview

I was recently interviewed by Lourdes Viado, Ph.D. for the Women in Depth Podcast. We discussed the nature of depression and how mindfulness can be so helpful for this condition. Since women have a much higher incidence of depression than men, the discussion was...

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